Denver official tells new migrants to go to New York or Chicago where they get better freebies

Closing time was announced at a squeezed sanctuary city as an official was seen suggesting to illegal aliens they don’t have to go home but they shouldn’t stay there.

“If you stay here you are going to suffer…”

(Video: 9News)

Despite being maligned by corporate media talking heads and globalist political figures, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) busing scheme has left an indelible mark in blue cities across the country. Now, following a previous decision to issue notices to sheltered foreign nationals that their days of paid room and board were numbered, a Denver, Colorado official went a step further encouraging illegals to depart in a new busing plan.

“The opportunities are over,” the city’s newcomer communications liaison Andres Carrera was heard saying in translation of a video obtained by 9News. “New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there.”

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According to a city spokesperson, the aliens Carrera was addressing had recently arrived on a bus from the Lone Star State as Abbott sought to relieve the pressure brought by President Joe Biden’s border crisis.

The influx of tens of thousands of foreign nationals in Colorado has left Denver around $200 million short on the budget and, as had been covered, Mayor Mike Johnston (D) indicated there would be tough choices on where to make cuts, couched as prioritizations.

“All of our departments, all of our agencies, we’re going to have to find a way to prioritize,” Johnston had said in February.

In the video, Carrera went on to lament how Abbott’s busing plan had left the city facing what Texas had been experiencing thanks to the administration and he told the aliens, “We have received too many migrants and that is why we ran out of resources. No, look, we are not going to block you if you want to stay here. I am not here to block you. I am here to let you know that your path is not over. If you stay here you are going to suffer even more and I don’t want to see this.”

Despite attempts to frame the busing plan as kidnapping, it had been well-documented that the foreign nationals had been given a choice to take a bus to one of the Democrat-run cities like Denver, New York or Chicago and Carrera attempted to do the same with “free” tickets.

“You can go to any city, we can take you up to the Canadian border, wherever, wherever,” he said.

However, as seen near the end of the video, most of the illegals preferred to stay where they were when offered additional transport and one even suggested “everyone” wanted to stay.

For the effort to pass the self-imposed buck, Denver was readily called out for the hypocrisy that had left major metropolitan areas across the country scrambling to use airports, schools, police stations, hotels and nearly any space they could find to house the millions of aliens that continued to pour into the United States amid Biden’s welcome.

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So.. our Governor declares Colorado a sanctuary state and now we realize we can’t afford it yet, criticize Texas that also can’t afford it for sending them here?… oxymoron and hypocritical. — Joe D (@Joe_Rado_1) March 30, 2024

Being a sanctuary city is cool as long as they stay in Texas — Brad Baca (@bradbbaca) March 30, 2024

What department’s budget is paying for all of these bus tickets? What’s being cut for this? Are we offering rides to any city for our own homeless and homeless veterans? Or this is just for foreigners? Let’s dig a little deeper… — Amy (@amychristine17) March 30, 2024

Let’s hope those migrants DO move on. And that Denver stops the Sanctuary status madness. It obviously is not the way to go. — Drewbeedewbee (@drewbeedewbee) March 30, 2024

That’s what happens when politicians make declarations without any real plan. — scott klaers (@ScottKlaers) March 30, 2024