Seeking new ways to serve, a disabled veteran talked “survivability” and “thriveability” amid a boom in the prepping industry.
(Video: Fox News Digital)
Failure to address the supply chain crisis earned President Joe Biden the nickname “Bare Shelf Biden” which many Americans treated as a wake-up call about potential future disasters. Having started his own freeze-dried beef company in 2021, U.S. Army combat disabled veteran and former Texas congressional candidate Jason Nelson spoke about the growing business and what people need to know.

During an interview with Fox Business Network, the co-founder of Prepper All Naturals spoke to the sensitivity of the distribution system and said of citizens, “If they understood how that works, that there’s about two weeks worth of food in any distribution system around the United States, once those systems start to break down, the availability of food is going to drop to near zero.”
“And so what people think they have in their cabinets that will help them survive is very different than actually sitting down and doing an analysis of caloric intake for your family, what they need for not just survivability, but maybe even ‘thriveability,'” he went on.
“[M]ost people are concerned, not just about the larger conflicts, but I think that they are concerned about the price of current goods and they see the availability of things, shrinkflation if you will,” Nelson told the outlet. “And I think people are becoming more and more aware of just how precarious their access to those items are.”
Ahead of the Super Bowl, Biden had attempted to foist the blame of shrinkflation on corporate greed instead of his failed economic policies, saying, “I’ve had enough of what they call shrinkflation. It’s a rip-off. Some companies are trying to pull a fast one by shrinking the products little by little and hoping you won’t notice…The American public is tired of being played for suckers.”
Biden skips game day interview to deliver Super Bowl shrinkflation message that leads to mass mockery via @BIZPACReview — BPR based (@DumpstrFireNews) February 12, 2024
The president appeared to be correct on the last point as Nelson told Fox Business that since his company launched in 2021, demand had doubled its size every six months.
“I think people also realized that they were kind of helpless. So it wasn’t just that they couldn’t get access to stuff, but it was that they had no ability whatsoever to supplement that in their own lives,” the entrepreneur expressed. “So even whether it be a creature comfort or a basic necessity, I think that that awareness overall broadened during COVID and of course, is exacerbated right now because people, once they started paying attention to the supply chain, they’re able to connect the dots between, for example, the breadbasket in Ukraine or rice shortages coming out of Asia, or, drought affecting beef production here in the United States.”
According to the USDA, the nationwide beef cattle inventory had reached a record low recently as the drought was exacerbated by heavy-handed government regulations.
Nelson also compared his product’s quality to what is more widely available as the government sold cattle from Argentina at auction while his was “all prime cattle from right here in Texas.”
“So not only is it a higher quality beef, but obviously the design behind it is to allow people to supplement not only their long-term storage that they would normally set aside, but their emergency supplies as well,” the businessman detailed.
He also cautioned, “If the electricity goes out, all your frozen goods are gone within three days. And if you don’t have anything canned, as in you can’t can that food and there’s no ability to do that, then you have to ask yourself, how much of a food supply do you need to get yourself through that?”