As residents in our nation’s capital try to cope with a violent wave of crime, including a 72-hour carjacking spree that left one man dead and a former Trump official in critical condition, the Attorney General for Washington D.C. has warned that his department “cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of” the frightening situation.
As BizPac Review reported, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (MPDC) revealed last week that at least 51 cars had had their windows smashed in the Woodley Park area before at least another 11 were vandalized in the Petworth neighborhood the following night.

DC police say over 60 cars broken into in less than 72 hours via @BIZPACReview — BPR based (@DumpstrFireNews) January 31, 2024
A large number of the criminals who are terrorizing D.C. are believed to be under the age of 18, according to the Daily Mail.
Speaking as part of a panel to angry D.C. residents, AG Brian Schwalb said that the focus needs to be on “prevention.”
“We as a city and a community need to be much more focused on prevention and surrounding young people and their families with resources if we want to be safer in the long run,” Schwalb said. “We cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it.”
During a panel, DC residents voiced their frustrations and demanded accountability from city leaders in addressing the violent crime epidemic that’s plaguing our nation’s capital. DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb’s response: “We cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it.” — Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) January 31, 2024
On Monday, 35-year-old father of two Alberto Vasquez was shot and killed by a carjacker.
The suspect in that fatal incident is believed to be the same man who earlier shot the father of three Mike Gill, who served at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) under former President Donald Trump, in the head.
Gill was on the way to pick up his wife. He was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.
Former Trump official latest victim in crime-ridden DC – critically wounded in violent carjacking via @BIZPACReview — BPR based (@DumpstrFireNews) January 31, 2024
Following the murder of Vasquez, the carjacker was shot and killed by police.
Schwalb, meanwhile, has been vocal on X about his support for legislation that would make it more difficult for D.C. residents to protect themselves.
“With [Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul] & 16 other AGs, we’re urging the Ninth Circuit to allow restrictions on carrying guns in certain places, including daycare centers, nursing homes, and places of worship,” he stated on Jan. 29. “States must have the flexibility to protect their own communities from gun violence.”
With @ILAttyGeneral & 16 other AGs, we’re urging the Ninth Circuit to allow restrictions on carrying guns in certain places, including daycare centers, nursing homes, and places of worship. States must have the flexibility to protect their own communities from gun violence. — AG Brian Schwalb (@DCAttorneyGen) January 29, 2024
Schwalb’s panel remarks did not earn him many friends.
“It’s amazing how a third world country like El Salvador managed to clean crime up by prosecuting and arresting its way out of it,” noted one user.
“100% you CAN,” stated another. “You just have to admit your social justice policies caused this situation, ignore race entirely, and prosecute based on people’s actions.”
“Narrator: But, they absolutely could prosecute and arrest their way out of it,” said a third. “They just chose not to do that.”
It’s amazing how a third world country like El Salvador managed to clean crime up by prosecuting and arresting its way out of it. — Ken Swift (@kenswift) February 1, 2024
100% you CAN. You just have to admit your social justice policies caused this situation, ignore race entirely, and prosecute based on people’s actions. — Teacloc (@Teacloc) January 31, 2024
Narrator: But, they absolutely could prosecute and arrest their way out of it. They just chose not to do that. — John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) January 31, 2024
“This clown does nothing to protect his residents and collects a nice paycheck for it,” one user said of Schwalb. “He should be fired and criminally investigated.”
This clown does nothing to protect his residents and collects a nice paycheck for it. He should be fired and criminally investigated. — StOrMyNiGhT (@StOrMyN22133081) January 31, 2024