Sharia Law trended on social media Monday as widespread pro-Islamist rallies dredged up a warning admission from only one year earlier.
“…but the woke morons in charge will continue to welcome in their own demise…”
Arguments for “two-state solutions” and fuzzy feelings over “coexist” bumper stickers weren’t enough to combat the reality that many foreign nationals are interested in domination rather than assimilation. While bleeding hearts joined pro-Hamas sympathizers in calling for the U.S. to impede on Israel’s right to defend itself through a ceasefire, one prime example of widely contrasting worldviews made the rounds.
Video taken from Oct. 2022 in Berlin, Germany, as protests against the Iranian regime dominated in the wake of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, featured individuals described as “Young Islamists” voicing their intent to have religious order derived from the Quran and Hadith, known as Sharia, imposed on the people of Europe.

“Anyone with a brain knew this was coming but the woke morons in charge will continue to welcome in their own demise till it’s too late,” wrote political commentator and former first son Donald Trump Jr. on X Sunday.
His post shared a video circulated by news aggregator Visegrád 24 that captioned the clip, “Young Islamists in Germany say Muslims will become the majority in Germany, abolish the German Constitution & introduce Sharia law…Europe has been underestimating the threat posed by Islamism.”
Anyone with a brain knew this was coming but the woke morons in charge will continue to welcome in their own demise till it’s too late. — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 5, 2023
In the brief video, stamped Oct. 21, 2022, a rally-goer could be heard telling a media figure, “We are ordered to occupy Germany. Definitely,” after he had expressed, “I am more against the people that say: ‘I don’t want Sharia in Germany,’ that is nonsense.”
“Everybody who calls himself a Muslim must want the Sharia, on the whole world,” the individual asserted.
Fast forward to the first weekend of Nov. 2023 and video from Berlin showed thousands of protesters waving Palestinian flags in the streets, prompting Radio Genoa to remark, “Dark times ahead.”
Thousands of Muslim immigrants conquer Berlin. Dark times ahead. — RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) November 4, 2023
Similar scenes played out across the globe and even swarmed the gates outside the White House with chants of “Allahu akbar” and “F*ck Joe Biden!” Saturday in Washington, D.C. as pro-Hamas disruptors, estimated at around 100,000 vandalized American monuments with graffiti and planted their flags throughout the capital.
Equally concerning, as President Joe Biden’s administration publicly promoted the new National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia in the United States, were the number of people in positions of power who had openly supported the Oct. 7 terror attacks against Israel.
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley (R) had a heated exchange with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over one such individual as he pointed out at a recent hearing how DHS asylum officer Nejwa Ali had shared antisemitic remarks and celebratory images of Hamas’ atrocities.
“An employee of the Department of Homeland Security who posted these comments on October the seventh, that’s not all she posted,” the senator said of the suspended official and later added, “This is an asylum and immigration officer who is posting these frankly, pro-genocidal slogans and images on the day that Israelis are being slaughtered in their beds.”
Reacting to the video, social media users re-upped calls to secure the border and to begin revoking the visas and deporting any extremist foreign nationals who ascribe to positions that would challenge the Constitution as the law of the land in the United States interspersed with a considerable amount of “I told you so’s.”
People tried to caution about this. They were told to be silent. — Croxxed Out (@FLCons) November 5, 2023
invade, outbreed, outvote. That is how it works — Rani, Last of The Red Hot Boomers (@ShadesOfRani) November 5, 2023
Make Vetting Extreme Again — Albert Latham (@albert1776) November 5, 2023
You cannot bring all that is there here, without here ultimately becoming there. Andrew Wilkow. — Croxxed Out (@FLCons) November 5, 2023
Mass deportation is in order. — Ray Solomon (@RayFromNYCity) November 5, 2023