House Dem suggests Biden has some sucking up to do to win back Muslim voters

President Joe Biden is sinking in polls and desperately needs to hold his fracturing base together, especially when it comes to the Muslim vote they need to be appeased according to one House lawmaker.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) who has her finger on the pulse of voters in the Wolverine State, suggests that the deeply unpopular leader has some sucking up to do in the heavily Muslim Detroit suburb of Detroit if he hopes to coax the demographic back onto the party plantation.

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Dingell appeared on NBC’s Sunday morning flagship “Meet the Press” where she discussed discontent with Michigan voters who aren’t buying the “Bidenomics” scam but more importantly, those of the Islamic faith who are traditionally loyal Democrat voters but could sit out the 2024 election over the administration’s policy on Gaza.

WATCH: Voters in Michigan — which has a large Muslim population — have called on Democrats to “abandon Biden” over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. @RepDebbieDingell (D-Mich.) outlines what the president can do to win back those voters. “We’ve got to get a ceasefire.” — Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) December 17, 2023

Host Kristen Welker asked the congresswoman, “Michigan has one of the largest Muslim populations in the country. Is there anything President Biden can do to win back those voters?”

“So there’s a lot that has to be done. And this is a very serious issue,” Dingell responded. “I lived in Dearborn for 40 years with the man that I loved. I moved last year because of redistricting. I know this community. They are hurting.”

“All of us in this country need to understand what’s happening in Gaza right now,” she said. “You can fight about how many thousands of people have been killed, but 6,000 to 8,000 children have been killed. 85% of the people in Gaza have had to leave their homes.”

“They’re living in shelters. Disease is going up. There’s one toilet for 220 people, one shower for 4,500 people,” Dingell continued, rattling off talking points that could have come directly from the Hamas propaganda ministry. “They don’t have food. They don’t have medicine. They don’t have utilities. And I can’t tell you the number of families that I’ve spoken to who’ve lost entire families, entire families.”

“We’ve got to show some empathy and compassion. A Jewish baby and a Palestinian baby are babies. I don’t want to see any baby die. So, first of all, we’ve got to take that on. We’ve got to get a ceasefire. This has to stop,” she said, suggesting that Biden needs to get on board with the ceasefire, a demand that has been made by leftists since the day that Hamas slaughtered over a thousand Israelis, butchering women, children and babies and parading around with corpses of victims like trophies.

Michigan’s far more notorious House member, Israel-hating Rep. Rashida Tlaib who’s the ringleader of the “Hamas Caucus” has been a ferocious critic of her president who she among other things has accused of enabling genocide in Gaza.

.@POTUS, the majority of the American people are not with you on this one. #CeasefireNow — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) November 3, 2023

“Joe Biden supported the genocide of the Palestinian people. And the American people won’t forget,” the “Squad” member said in a highly controversial ad that ran last month in which she promoted the Palestinian slogan that calls for the genocide of Israeli Jews.

Not only is “Genocide Joe” under intense pressure from the far-left elements of the base but the Palestinian lobby may have a staunch advocate inside of the White House with it being reported that Vice President Kamala Harris has been working to persuade her boss to take a harder line on Israel.

Kamala reportedly lobbying for Palestinians as Biden gets squishy on Israel via @BIZPACReview — BPR based (@DumpstrFireNews) December 15, 2023

According to a report from Politico, the veep “has been telling colleagues in the administration that she wants the White House to show more concern publicly for the humanitarian damage in Gaza” and has urged her boss to “show more sensitivity to Palestinian civilians,” citing three anonymous sources “familiar with Harris’ comments.”

The outlet reports that one person close to Harris’ office says that she is calling for Biden to be “tougher” on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has been a frequent target of anger from the antisemitic left, including from congressional Democrats

For the first time last week, the octogenarian career politician appeared to begin to crack from the pressure with remarks that are inconsistent with his previously professed “unwavering” support for Israel, throwing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under the bus while behind closed doors with Democrat donors.

“I think he has to change, and with this government, this government in Israel is making it very difficult for him to move,” the president reportedly said, describing Netanyahu’s regime as the “most conservative government in Israel’s history.”

Biden reportedly also said that Israel “has most of the world supporting it,” but added “they’re starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place.”

During last Monday’s Hanukkah reception at the White House, the president cryptically told revelers “The whole world’s public opinion can shift overnight,” referring to the Jewish democracy.

With the pressure being dialed up by the day it would hardly be surprising if Biden sells out America’s critical Middle East ally before Santa wriggles down the chimney.