More House Dems dial up the pressure on Biden to force Israel to back off in Gaza

Six top House Democrats, all of them reportedly military veterans or former CIA officers, have penned a letter to President Joe Biden demanding he pressure Israel to pursue a ceasefire with the terrorist group Hamas.

Reps. Seth Moulton, Jason Crow, Mikie Sherrill, Chrissy Houlahan, Abigail Spanberger, and Elissa Slotkin argued in the letter submitted Monday that the “mounting civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis” in Gaza are “unacceptable.”


They’re “not in line with American interests; nor do they advance the cause of security for our ally Israel,” the six wrote.

“We also believe it jeopardizes efforts to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas and secure the release of all hostages,” they added.

Veterans of the War on Terror know that you can’t destroy a terrorist ideology with military force alone. In fact, doing so can even make it worse.@Israel must significantly shift its strategy to protect civilians and end the humanitarian crisis resulting from its war on Gaza. — Rep. Seth Moulton (@RepMoulton) December 18, 2023

Continuing their letter, the six cited their own military/national security experience to substantiate their theory that a ceasefire is the best option moving forward.

“From our positions on the Intelligence, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs Committees, we have consistently pushed for Israel to shift its military strategy—there has been no significant change,” they wrote.

“We have dedicated our lives to national security and believe our nation’s values are a source of credibility and power. Some of us also spent years fighting America’s war on terror. We know from personal and often painful experience that you can’t destroy a terror ideology with military force alone. And it can, in fact, make it worse,” they added.

In conclusion, the six Democrats urged the president “to continue to use all our leverage to achieve an immediate and significant shift of military strategy and tactics in Gaza.”

The letter triggered some backlash on X, with Israel-aligned users blasting the six for catering to the interests of Hamas versus the interests of Israel.


Where’s your deep concern for Hamas’ savage actions? — Scott (@ScottySki66) December 19, 2023

So leaving Hamas in power will advance the security of Israel. What a joke! wiping out Hamas can be the only end point — Jason (@JasonB2277) December 18, 2023

So, what you’re saying is just forget about the 100 plus hostages and the atrocities that they endured on Oct 7 because it might upset Hamas? Sounds just like the great appeaser, Obama ! — Jim Roche (@JimRochone) December 18, 2023

It’s so easy sitting in a congressional comfy seat to assess what’s BEST for Israel and her very Existence.Israel’s Security and the U. S. interests are aligned completely..Biden’s cowardly appeasement approach to Iran runs contra to United States Security and National Interest. — Rachi (@RustyTuckus) December 18, 2023

Please, tell us all about American strategic military successes, we’re all ears…. You know , it’s the legacy of your strategic failures that Israel (whole bloody world!) is having to deal with right now yea? I think you should just shut up & learn from the @IDF professionals — Shelley’s Cloud (@TickityB) December 18, 2023

The sending of this letter comes amid reports that the relationship between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fast deteriorating.

“The relationship between the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government in Israel has nearly reached the breaking point. It is highly dysfunctional,” The Daily Beast exclusively reported Thursday.

“Other than a shared desire to eliminate Hamas as a factor in the region, there are few major policy thrusts the U.S. supports with regard to the Israel-Gaza war that are being supported by the Israeli government. Indeed, many have been directly undermined by Israel’s prime minister and his cabinet,” they outlet added.

The piece went on to admit that the Biden administration is still playing nice with Israel because they believe “Netanyahu has passed his sell-by date and will in the not-too-distant future be pushed out of office.”

“They harbor the hope—although they recognize the odds are not in their favor—that once Bibi is out of power, progress can be made,” the piece continued.

CNN first reported on this rift earlier this month, noting at the time that it’d “spilled into public view … as President Joe Biden warned that Israel was losing international support for its campaign against Hamas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly rejected American plans for post-war Gaza.”

“I think he has to change, and with this government, this government in Israel is making it very difficult for him to move,” Biden said at the time while speaking with Democrat donors.

He went on to accuse Netanyahu’s administration of being the “most conservative government in Israel’s history.”

Biden and Netanyahu are reportedly now also beefing over their responses to the recent attacks on U.S. forces by Yemeni Houthis.