Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Chairmen Michael McCaul and Mark Green of the House Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security committees, respectively, want to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. According to McCaul, Mayorkas “is the architect of destruction [at the border] … He has destroyed the fabric of this nation.” Green added that Mayorkas “shouldn’t, just like a king, do whatever he wants, which is what he has done.”
Impeaching Mayorkas is necessary but insufficient to counter the promotion of illegal immigration and narcotics flows. House Republicans must (1) confront State Department (DOS) actions that promote the illegal flows and (2) raise voter support for an America-first government in 2025.

Former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan state that illegal immigration is Joe Biden’s purposeful policy. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton explains that the Biden regime is “aiding and abetting drug cartels” at our southern border.
Former Guatemalan Secretary of Strategic Intelligence and global security consultant Mario Duarte suggests the Biden regime’s empowerment of cartels is a geopolitical strategy. Balkanization of the Western Hemisphere through corruption and impoverishment will “provoke more illegal mass migration of future potential voters to the United States.”
The Biden regime has helped install socialists in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru. Duarte says illegal narcotics production has increased by 30 percent in recent years and that human trafficking is rampant. The Biden regime caters to “Latin American socialist, former soviet-funded guerrilla buddies” who align with China, Iran, and Russia.
Biden appointed Todd Robinson assistant secretary of state for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) in 2021. Along with Mayorkas, House Republicans must target Robinson—the DOS counternarcotics chief—for aiding and abetting the illegal flows of migrants and narcotics.
Robinson was ambassador to Guatemala (2014–2017) when Biden visited three times in 12 months. Biden leveraged US money to extend the UN-created International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). He also promoted a health-care contract for Illinois provider Baxter. After the national healthcare institute (IGSS) awarded the contract to Baxter’s competitor, the CICIG—acting outside its mandate—jailed all IGSS directors. Baxter recovered the contract.
Colombian Ivan Velásquez was the CICIG commissioner who jailed IGSS directors. With US financial and political backing, DOS used the CICIG for its purposes. This united Biden, Robinson, and Velásquez. Robinson was beaming when former communist guerrilla President Gustavo Petro appointed Velásquez as Colombia’s defense minister.
Velásquez was a co-conspirator in the Odebrecht criminal case, which included the granting of an illegal release. This was obviously outside the CICIG mandate. Backdoor maneuvering has kept Velásquez from formal indictment. The other co-conspirators are Robinson’s agents with US protection from extradition.
Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal said Velásquez had been weakening Colombia’s “security forces and helping to execute Petro’s Total Peace plan that will give 22 groups impunity for past actions, including narcotraffickers such as the FARC.” Duarte adds that Velásquez is dismantling Plan Colombia, the counternarcotics program built by the United States.
My DEA sources say a chief factor lowering the price of cocaine has been that Colombia is open as a land route. Previously, cocaine traveled from Venezuela to Guatemala or Honduras by air or sea. The Colombian land route makes interdiction more difficult and lowers trafficking costs.
As Biden’s man on the ground, Robinson used the CICIG to co-opt Guatemalan’s judiciary. Robinson infamously said “sovereignty comes last” after criticism from the Papal Nuncio about interventions in Guatemala’s internal affairs. Robinson acted as proconsul and, while ambassador, delayed repairing counternarcotics helicopters.
In a June 7 House Western Hemisphere Subcommittee hearing, Robinson tried to evade questions about Guatemala. When pressed by Chairwoman Maria Salazar, Robinson said he worked with prosecutors there who were not corrupt or antidemocratic. Since INL has no working agreement with the Prosecutor General’s Office, either Robinson admitted to a crime or lied to Congress. House Republicans dropped the ball by not following up.
INL personnel, who have no legitimate role in foreign elections, met with electoral officials before Guatemala’s June 25 elections. The Biden regime directed an electoral fraud and subsequent intimidation campaign to make its puppet Bernardo Arévalo president. On the day of his inauguration, members of Guatemala’s Congress reported US embassy threats to secure the election of Biden’s slate for congressional leadership.
Flaunting his influence, Robinson posted on X a photo of the US-imposed congressional leadership. Former US Ambassador to Germany and Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell countered: “You are obsessed with politics in another country. Drugs and illegal immigration have exploded in America under your reign.”
Robinson, like Mayorkas, is purposely harming the United States and violating our laws. Mayorkas and Robinson are executing the Biden regime’s betrayal and corruption at our southern border. House Republicans must impeach these enemies of the United States and investigate their collaborators.