The former president touted big plans if returned to the White House to expose “every dark and rotten corner” while teasing a hit list for a “completely overhauled DOJ.”
(Video: RSBN)
Political persecution remained an integral part of former President Donald Trump’s campaign Sunday as he rolled out a promise to supporters in Sioux City, Iowa to reform the Department of Justice. Reminiscent of 2016 remarks that made “lock her up” an infamous rallying cry, the GOP frontrunner set his sights beyond just radical prosecutors to swap out “crooked Hillary” for incumbent “crooked Joe Biden.”
“To stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans, conservatives and people of faith like you,” the onetime commander-in-chief said from the Orpheum Theatre, “I will direct a completely overhauled DOJ to investigate every radical DA (district attorney) and AG (attorney general) in America for their illegal, racist-in-reverse, enforcement of the law.”
In order to achieve this, Trump made note of the current administration’s alleged targeting of him on political grounds with his numerous indictments and asserted he would create “a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to shed sunlight on every dark and rotten corner of Washington, D.C., starting with crooked Joe Biden. And now we could really do that because they’ve led the path, what they’re doing is so bad to this country.”
The president followed up his remarks in Iowa by reasserting wrongs were being committed by the “Injustice Department” as he took to Truth Social and pointed out the “BAD precedent” being imposed by the White House resident.

“Why didn’t Crooked Joe Biden tell his Injustice Department to file the lawsuits and Indictments against me 3 years ago, instead of right in the middle of my campaign for President? You’re setting a BAD precedent for yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you,” wrote Trump. “These Third World Biden Indictments, which should never have been filed, would have been tried and over with years ago. My SleazeBag Opponent shouldn’t be able to do this during my campaign, OR BEFORE THE ELECTION!”
Meanwhile, his leading primary opponent, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, had remained skeptical of Trump’s campaign promises, pointing to the contrast of previous claims with his own record as the executive of The Sunshine State.
Shortly after taking the scalp of another leftist prosecutor with the suspension of State Attorney Monique Worrell from Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit for alleged dereliction of duty, DeSantis had joined Fox News’ Laura Ingraham to tout his own record of draining the swamp.
“Well he had three years to fire (FBI Director) Christopher Wray and he didn’t fire him. And remember, I went to the rallies in 2016, Laura. You remember ’em — lock her up, lock her up, about holding [former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] accountable,” the governor said. “And then, two weeks after the election he said never mind that I said that and let her off the hook.”
“I give him credit, even though we’re competing, for the great things he did do,” DeSantis remarked. “But one of the things he did not do was drain the swamp. I mean the swamp got worse in his four years and you had people like Wray, you had people in power who were not getting the job done. You gotta take very swift action and you gotta make it happen.”
Regardless of his opponent’s take, Trump received applause for his promise in Iowa and many positive reactions on social media as Republican voters united around the need to clean up the Justice Department and put an end to the apparent two-tiered system.
Music to my ears! Corruption is got to go! — Dee (@Deedar416) October 30, 2023
Truth & Reconciliation Commission! — Wülf Aufzug (@wulfaufzug) October 30, 2023
Truth & Light in DC ..??? Imagine what will be learned if they really did that? I hope that day comes…this country needs to get to the bottom of many things. — floridanow1 (@floridanow1) October 29, 2023
Amen! This is one of many things we need — Nicholas Wilson (@Nichola36222724) October 29, 2023