Refreshed and sporting a sunburn from his holiday vacation in the Virgin Islands, President Joe Biden is going to war against GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump with a scorched earth kickoff to his reelection campaign.
The ill-tempered octogenarian will mark the third anniversary of the January 6, 2021 chaos at the Capitol with a speech from a historic Revolutionary War location to declare his likely opponent as an enemy of “democracy” when he visits Valley Forge, PA on Saturday for what promises to be an ugly bit of demagoguery that could exceed his infamous “soul of a nation” diatribe that he gave in nearby Philadelphia in 2022.

Biden will officially open his bid for four more years with a speech from “the same spot where nearly 250 years ago, our nation’s forefathers transformed a disorganized alliance of colonial militias into a cohesive coalition united in their fight for our democracy, where General Washington united American willpower and went on to lead this nation as commander and as president – before relinquishing power – the ultimate precedent and the experiment of American democracy,” said Biden’s deputy principal campaign manager Quentin Fulks
Fulks described Republicans as an “existential threat to democracy” during an appearance on CNN, language that until Biden took power, had never before been used against the opposition in a country that has been dragged down a very dark alley by a fully radicalized authoritarian left political party and its divisive figurehead.
Junior Biden campaign spokesman Quentin Fulks says Biden will speak at Valley Forge this weekend because Republicans are “an existential threat to democracy” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 3, 2024
In choosing Valley Forge as the location for his address, Biden will undoubtedly couch his intensifying battle against his predecessor and tens of millions of loyal Americans in terms of evoking the American Revolution, an escalation in rhetoric in a year that’s less than a week old but already off to a very troubling start as the desperate regime seeks to lock down control of the federal government.
Following his appearance at Valley Forge, Biden will look to use some shock therapy to get blacks back in line when he rips the scab off of a wound by visiting the site of a horrific racist massacre during which he will almost certainly liken Trump’s supporters to murderous white supremacists.
The race-baiter in chief will make a pilgrimage to Charleston, SC, dropping by the Mother Emanuel AME Church where racist criminal Dylann Roof cold-bloodedly gunned down nine black parishioners in a depraved incident that shocked the civilized world in 2015.
The man who promised unity but instead delivered historic divisiveness will once again invoke the so-called “insurrection” which has been used as a modern domestic version of the infamous German Reichstag fire by Biden’s Democrats as justification to target their political enemies. While no advance excerpts of the speech have yet been made available, it will be yet another disgraceful rant, and at the site of George Washington’s historic winter encampment no less.
“Biden and his radical left allies like to pose as defenders of democracy,” Trump said at a recent campaign event. “But Joe Biden is not the defender of American democracy. Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy, and it’s him and his people.”