President Biden is tanking in the polls, becoming increasingly unpopular while fading away mentally and physically, so his campaign is deploying Jill Biden as his surrogate on the campaign trail.
On Wednesday, the Biden re-election campaign announced that it was officially launching “Women for Biden-Harris,” according to the Associated Press. A desperate endeavor to win over women during the presidential election using abortion as the centerpiece for leftist recruiting. First Lady Jill Biden will lead the effort to organize millions of women across the nation to win the president a second term.

“Women were a crucial part of the coalition that elected Biden in 2020 and his campaign aims to recapture that with the reinvigorated effort,” the Associated Press reported.
“The first lady was to kick things off on Friday, the start of Women’s History Month, with a weekend travel blitz through states that will be key to deciding November’s presidential election,” the news outlet added.
Inbox: President @JoeBiden‘s reelection campaign announces @DrBiden will launch a “Women for Biden-Harris” organizing program. She will travel this weekend to the battleground states of Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin to kick it off. — Taylor Popielarz (@TaylorPopielarz) February 28, 2024
Battleground states that Jill Biden will sweep through include Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Joe Biden is trailing former President Trump in all those states according to the polls.
“Women put Joe in the White House four years ago, and women will do it again,” the progressive first lady declared in a statement. “In our communities, women are the organizers, the planners, the mobilizers. We get things done. That’s exactly why we’re launching ‘Women for Biden’ now because when women organize, we win.”
The whirlwind kickoff to the movement will take place Friday through Sunday. It’s an uphill battle for the leftists’ secret weapon since illegal immigration has become the number one issue across the nation. Americans will also notice the fact that the first lady is campaigning in her husband’s stead.
“Julie Chávez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager, said the stakes for women in this election ‘could not be higher.’ Women were crucial to Biden’s defeat of Trump in 2020,” the Associated Press wrote.
“Republicans have underestimated the power of women time after time and together, this November, we will make sure that they never make that mistake again,” Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement.
“Vice President Harris released a video message Wednesday calling on women to mobilize again because ‘there is too much at stake.’ Harris has been the leading voice out of the White House on reproductive rights after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade,” The Hill reported.
I am proud to join @DrBiden to launch Women for Biden-Harris. When women organize, we get the job done—exactly what we’ll do in November. Join me—sign up at — Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 28, 2024
“Americans will face a real choice at the ballot box this November between Joe and Kamala who will stand up and fight for women and their freedoms each and every day, and Donald Trump who is looking to take our rights and freedoms away,” Chavez Rodriguez glibly fibbed in her statement. “Republicans have underestimated the power of women time after time and together, this November, we will make sure that they never make that mistake again.”
Abortion and women’s healthcare is front and center for Democrats. Poll after poll says Americans care the most about illegal immigration and the economy. A new Gallup poll drives that point home.
“Twenty-eight percent of respondents cited immigration as the top issue facing the country, up from 20 percent who said the same a month ago. More than half of those surveyed in the February poll said that ‘large numbers of immigrants entering the United States illegally’ is a critical threat to U.S. vital interests,” Politico reported.
Instead of immigration, a crisis they have created, the Democrats are flogging the Roe vs. Wade abortion reversal by the Supreme Court.
Today, I am excited to share the first major deliverable from our White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research:⁰⁰$100 million in funding for women’s health research and development as part of ARPA-H’s first-ever Sprint for Women’s Health.⁰⁰Together, we will build a new… — Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) February 21, 2024
“Women were a crucial part of the coalition that elected Biden in 2020, giving him 55% of their vote, according to AP VoteCast, Black women and suburban women were pillars of Biden’s coalition while Trump had a modest advantage among white women and a much wider share of white women without college degrees, according to the AP survey of more than 110,000 voters in that year’s election,” the Associated Press dubiously claimed.
“Women for Biden-Harris will mobilize female volunteers across the country through organizing calls, with top campaign surrogates as well as digital and targeted ad buys, the campaign said. It was one of the largest coalitions for the campaign in 2020, the campaign said,” the media outlet noted.
The Biden campaign will no doubt target college-aged women in particular in their get-out-the-vote efforts.
The support for the president this time around however may bring disappointment to the left and a reality check to the nation.
Women and voters in general on X aren’t buying what Jill Biden or Kamala Harris is selling:
The only way Biden can win is with massive mail in ballot fraud. PERIOD. — Dory Beutel ✌ (@DoryBeutel) February 28, 2024
Godmother of the Biden Crime Family. — Darol (@daroljorg) February 28, 2024
And she’s starting with the 9M illegals who they let in. — Just One More Thing (@GaryHalpin23) February 28, 2024
Good luck with that. — Quiet Rando (@dcsoult) February 28, 2024
This is her fault — Dean Shook (@DeanShook1969) February 28, 2024
As a woman, they can kiss my *ss. — The_Outsider (@Hattricia) February 28, 2024
Why don’t you launch your ass to the border and do your job — Sara Rose (@saras76) February 28, 2024
You can’t even define what a woman is — KC (@KCPayTreeIt) February 28, 2024