The gateway to US and Ibero-American liberty

Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

The worldwide battle between tyranny and liberty is intensifying. The 2024 CPAC conference highlighted that we and other countries face the same totalitarian forces. A Donald Trump victory in November would show the United States stands for liberty.

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However, the Republican-controlled House can get ahead of the curve and hasten liberty this year by investigating the State Department (DOS).

On February 20, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee James Risch (R-ID) and seven Republican senators sent Joe Biden a letter. It expressed concern that his regime sanctions allies and turns a blind eye to adversaries. This coincides with a June 7 hearing of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere entitled, “Ignoring Our Allies.”

On February 23, Spanish member of the European Parliament Hermann Tertsch stated the importance of uniting “conservative Ibero-American forces and right-wing US forces … led by Donald Trump.” Further, Spanish congressman and Vox political party founder Santiago Abascal backed this alliance in his CPAC 2024 speech, and Trump thanked Abascal.

Abascal congratulated the attendees for “continuing to fight to make America great again.” He added, “We are also working to make Spain great again.” In his speech, Argentine President Javier Milei affirmed his intention to make Argentina great again.

Collectivist globalists get their knickers in a twist over open nationalism and disparage leaders like Abascal, Milei, and Trump as isolationists. That is a hollow pejorative.

Individuals voluntarily engaging in legitimate transactions with minimal government interference is the basis of a healthy economy. The same applies to nations. Healthy economies make better trading partners. International trade favors all people. In contrast, globalist central control of the world economy makes people poorer and turns them into serfs.

Ibero-America comprises Spain, Portugal, and the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of the Western Hemisphere. Ibero-American conservatives and Trump are aligning to advance liberty and defeat the globalists. This undercuts the Biden regime’s characterization of Trump as racist and authoritarian.

According to Abascal, “Only strong nations can defend the values that unite us: patriotism, liberty, the faith of our parents, family, property, sovereignty, democracy, and the limitation of power.… Our culture of values is threatened today by those who seek to destroy it from outside and from inside.”

Abascal said socialism tries to tell us how to think, to impose a false version of history, to promote division in nations, and to “spread hatred of our civilization in our childrens’ hearts.” This is exactly what is happening in the United States.

Self-hating “woke” culture, Abascal contends, is promoted by large, crony-capitalist corporations. They are enemies of economic freedom, Western middle classes, and private property. Under the guise of environmentalism, they close European and US power plants only to open them in China or other hostile countries. This exports jobs and makes populations dependent on governments.

“Multibillionaire globalists,” Abascal said, “will end the sovereignty of nations, end free speech, and impose cancel culture.” Abascal added that globalists hasten this totalitarianism in Ibero-America through drug trafficking, invasive migration, and support for Hamas terrorism, the Sao Paulo Forum, and the Puebla Group.

Few people are aware that the Biden regime and DOS also support drug trafficking, invasive migration, and terrorism. The Biden regime has empowered Iran—enabling the Hamas massacre of Israelis—by not enforcing Trump-era sanctions. DOS has promoted friends of China and Iran and opposed US allies throughout Latin America.

In the June 7 hearing, Chairwoman Maria Salazar (R-FL) pressed assistant secretaries of State Brian Nichols and Todd Robinson. Nichols clumsily protected Colombian President Gustavo Petro, a former communist guerilla. Robinson said he worked with Guatemalan prosecutors who are not corrupt or antidemocratic. Since his bureau has no agreement with the Guatemalan Prosecutor General’s Office, Robinson either admitted to a crime or lied to Congress.

Instead of following up on DOS treachery, the Republican-led House Foreign Affairs Committee, in a July 14 press release, supported DOS’s electoral fraud in Guatemala. DOS installed its communist puppet Bernardo Arévalo as president. He attended the Puebla Group even before his inauguration.

The Biden regime and DOS participated in the fraud that made Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva president of Brazil in 2022. DOS has sided with anti-Americans in Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Despite statements otherwise, DOS helps the Cuban, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan dictatorships.

The Biden regime and DOS attacked pro-US former presidents Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil and Alejandro Giammattei of Guatemala. The latter fought illegal immigration on his own.

The anti-US DOS illegally sanctioned Guatemalan Prosecutor General Consuelo Porras. At the same time, the Justice Department praised Porras for unprecedented cooperation regarding human smuggling. The conflict between DOS and Porras, our best ally against human and narco trafficking, is sufficient for the House to launch investigations.

Congressional investigations of DOS in Guatemala would be Biden’s worst nightmare. In 2015, he had then Ambassador Robinson and the UN anti-impunity commissioner, Iván Velásquez (now Colombian defense minister), imprison innocents. Biden could then secure a Guatemalan state contract for a US company with which he allegedly had a partnership.

These investigations would reveal shocking DOS behavior and catalyze reforms to clip DOS’s wings. The beneficiary would be US and Ibero-American liberty.